Friday, October 14, 2011

Precious People

Surprises that failED;

September, 27th 2011.
A freak-sensitive-funny-little bit curly boy was born
Riyan Rafif Edward!
We went to his home to give some surprise, but don't ya know? He was NOT at home. How come? We were waiting for him for 30 mins.

We were waiting for your arrival....

finally... Riyan was coming!

October, 8th 2011.
A wide-forehead girl was born
Alyssa Adzhani!
We decided to come along her house around 10p.m. on October 8th, and would bring some gift or cake. But............ We didn't have much time to buy some gift and cake. How pathetic. We were just singing while we stepped in to her house. SURPRISE!

But it was fun! Wasn't? U've to know that we brought our efforts :''''D

spread the love for my precious <3 and N :P

Real Life

So, HELLO OCTOBER! Been a long long long and long time (eh) we didn't share each other. First of all, I was busy because there was a middle test. Oh how I wish we'll get a satisfying scores. Amin =D

I'd like to answer your question, wherever there's nobody ask.HAHA. I'm just little bit disappointing with........ some of my....
Like Jack has said, "Life's too awesome to waste your time thinking about someone who doesn't treat you right."
There's a guy, and lately I've already known her/his "original character" She/he confused because why people having their two-faces, WHILE HE/SHE HAVING IT TOO. Honestly I don't even know what she has done to me, but I actually knew what she has done to my closest friend. I tried to keep it by myself because I didn't know to whom I supposed to share to. Doesn't mean to offend, really.

You were very important in my life, but when I already knew it. Mayn, you just tore my heart into a piece, YOU DID IT! and I don't even give a little shit anymore. )::( Enjoy your life then!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eid Mubarak

Happy Eid Mubarak to all moslems around the whole world.
(I know I'm late.... to post even to say)

And thanks to God, I just passed 29 days exactly of fasting month.
But this year was very very different, because we had.......... such a controversial against MUI :/

They're means a lot for me.

And I apologize to whoever that read this post, many mistakes I've done to yall but I didn't mean do those mistakes to yall.

Warmest regards from here :*

Monday, August 22, 2011

Teenage Year

If You Ever Come Back by The Script

You know,
That money will come and go. The most important thing in life will always be with the people we love. Right here, right now. Don't you ever waste them.
It's easy to forgive but neither forget. Always remember when they treat you right, and forget their bad side.

Never let them alone, always try to be there whenever they need. Listen & give, listen their problem, and give the best advice.
And remember! There are 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.

But what IF "they follow you in the sun, but leave your side when it gets dark." ?!


"Are you trying to fit in? Don't bother, the truth is, it's not worth it. You're wasting your time and later you'll understand that you don't need them at all. Be who you are and sooner or later you will get the right people around."

Drama. Lies. Tears.
Cheers to the teenage year.

ps: don't mean to offend, dear whoever realize-first of all you should've know that I'm typing this with my middle.finger.

tudles :>

Saturday, August 20, 2011

oh my dear

decided to spending this weekend stay at home, sleep all day long.

and after break fasting, i'm dating with....

Genji Original Pie

Oreo Star

sweet coconut


they're so delicious!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Lazy Song

do you know what?
today i feel like i'm not doing anything, just wanna stare at this LCD..

recently i feel tired so idle to go out somewhere, because the weather!! Jakarta weather's $h*t.

but i hope it'll not happens on this weekend :)

check it out for Gravity by Sara Bareilles

it's one of my favorite song and video! that's picturesque.
another Baraeilles' good song to hear; Love Song!
sometimes Love Song can gain my mood, such as my mood booster! :>

enjoy your weekend guys

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Indonesia 66th!

Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! :)
August 17th 1945 - August 17th 2011
its been 66th years

that's proclamation by Bung Karno, without him we'd never feel the freedom.

Birthday Saying

okaaay so, its H-1 till independence day! whoaa, and today is my beloved, my only one, my everything birthday!
August, 16th 2011
sie ist dreizehn jahre alt :)
yap, Fenita Nurmazelda! <=-P

(click for larger image)
first of all is best wishes absolutely ;)
do you guys know? she's so kresi. she eats a lot. and she is becoming fatty :P

she's the one who i need in the midnight when the time comes 'in-hurry-to-pee'
u guys know, sister is the ignorant person. sometimes!
and fact; i. can't. being far away from, her.

Godness! what did i write? clumsy

she's so idle to study but she likes wash the dishes, cook, tidy up the entire rooms of our house.

CALL 14022 for delivery, (maid) kidding :D♥

aaaah i wud say, yes i-d-o-love-her :)

last one, tomorrow's independence day!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Fasting!

first of all, i wud say.....

i am sorry for all mistake i did to yall guys
i didn't mean to do those things to yall
make a move, good move on this Ramadhan
1432 H :)

Marika and family say;
sorry for all mistakes and

by the waaay we get in to the holy month,
so come'on we earn high reward with the ramadhan high-way-code

simply one; no eating or drinking whilst fasting

second; lower your gaze

third; no arguing or fighting and avoid sins

fourth importantly; NO swearing, lying and backbiting

fifth the most people do; no SMOKING and try quitting for good

sixth; pray all your daily 5 salaah's on time

seventh; recite and learn the holy qur'aan

eighth; do lots of duaa and dhikr

ninth; give in charity and help the poor

i hope we can do those things for ourselves to get high reward :)
this entry belongs to all moslem around the world, and who read this entry

Marhaban ya Ramadhan!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

miracle come in moments

goeden morgen readers :)

here we go... am gonna share my precious moments with the priceless person


there's a lot of sad and happy moments that i had with fincivor. here it is the greatest

, January 29th 2011

(Pak Yudha's birthday bash :D)

Kartini's Day, April 21st 2011

UAN!! :O ------- April 25th 2011 - April 28th 2011

Study Tour, May 12th 2011

Graduation Announcement, June 6th 2011

and finally......

Graduation Day, June 12th 2011

that was the greatest moments with the great person :)♥

i'm gonna share u '3 hari untuk slamanya' soon is about study tour! wohooo

"use your precious moments to live life fully every single second of every single day"

Friday, February 11, 2011

another exciting day

i can't believe, i do to love Fincivor so much. assist each other for every events, every things that we will do together even individually.
my saturday night was sooo so so so awesome, filled by Shavira's birthday party (happy birthday! again! and again!) @ Rolling Stone Cafe with....... also with my love, Fincivor.

we were having fun together, was singing while striptease dancing.

let me introduce, Ical as our striptease dancer. HAHAAA

exclaimed much, uh?

fincivor fincivor fincivor fincivor fincivor fincivor