Tuesday, June 8, 2010

in waiting

lord.. oh my lord..
did you realize?
six days remaining
i'm going
to be
14 year-old!
:D :D :D :D
feels like "yipppie! i'm 14" don't know why i'm so glad to meet my 14 :'D tau kok lebay suka2 dong hahaha! kado2! :B

so i just want to share stories, mungkin kali ini about my love-life.
selamat menyaksikan, (jeng-jeng)
so i have a boyfriend, he's a boy exactly!!-_- he's 15 years old. i'm so in love with him, anytime anywhere. gitu2 pacar gue ngeselin bgtloh kalau lagi lemot.. but he always understanding me.

jadi kejadian udah sering kali berantem gara2 hal se-pe-le-dua-pe-le. yang mulai siapa? as usual...me. why? gara2 dia lah ehehe :B berantem2 gitu terus2an he always feels sorry.. so i felt deeply regret because "gue nyia2in dia bgt! i was mad at him gara2 hal sepeleduapele" jujur... i always think negative about him, don't know why. but i never though that gila dia baik banget sama gue (yalah kalau ga baik juga gada yg mau pacaran kali-_-)
i never let him go exactly, but if it 'must' yaa apabolebuat tapi boleh kali berjuang hahaha mulai deh ngelantur.
i'm in trying to change my vision to him, kasian juga gue tau lo tertekan badan lo aja udah kecil pasti tambah tertekan sama gue yang berat nya berkisar 52-54 kg sekarang... :O ngelantur banget jauuuh! sorry.
i'll tell you soon about... knp gue bisa sampai sini sama doyii. yoi. promise.

we have been in a relationship 7 months 2 weeks and 1 days.
BY THE WAY ohnooo he will leave to Singapore on 7 july until 14 july... duar! gue sama siapa nanti liburan ini hampa banget nyet. but i have to accept this, dia punya kegiatan dan gue juga intinya masing2 punya kegiatan. oki have a nice holiday.
i'm in waiting about my 8th anniversary :D
i will always love you.

apa!?? holiday!??
imma free! i'm free of ASS!gnments, exams, practical exams atau semacamnya.
di underline ya, i'm free ehe seneng bgt :D
gue masih masuk, tapi sisa up matematika doang nih... dan gue udah selesai jadi nonton deeeh :P

is it much?
so much.
good night!

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